Body Wave Lace Frontal
This variant is currently sold out
Body Wave Lace Frontal is 13x6 medium brown Swiss lace. Get Glam'd Hair offers the fullest density lace frontals. Each frontal comes with slight hairline ventilation. Each frontal is handmade and will last with proper care up to 3 uses. These units are perfect for sew-ins, wigs, units, or even quick weaves.
Unique Bargains Human Hair Product are 100% made of Virgin Human Hair. Refresh your look every day with top-quality wigs from Getglamdhair! Getglamdhair supplies real, unprocessed virgin human hair extensions, bundles, frontals, closures, and other products. With a tight and neat double weft, these virgin hair extensions are free from lice and do not tangle or shed. They can be curled, straightened, bleached, colored, and styled.
When caring for hair extensions, brushing or styling the extensions gently can prevent the Hair Wigs from falling out. Use a soft-bristled brush, start at the bottom and slowly work your way up. It is best to care for them more than you would your own hair.
Wash your extensions a maximum of 3 times a week with moisturizing hair care products. Because your extensions are not getting natural oils from your scalp to keep your hair in good condition, this will keep the moisture in from shampooing while at the same time not drying them out from over-shampooing.
Use a heat protectant on hair extensions to reduce the risk of heart damage whenever you use a heated appliance on your hair.
Once a week, carefully put your extensions in lukewarm water and apply a bit of conditioner all over. Leave for around 20 minutes then rinse and let dry naturally - using a blow dryer will damage them if used too much. If necessary, put the dryer on a cool setting (almost as if it was wind).
As careful as you are, your Human Hair Lace Closure Frontal extensions will most likely get split ends. To avoid letting the damage move up the hair shaft, trim the ends every 6-10 weeks. You can do it yourself using salon scissors, or go to a hairstylist.